Pandemic Survival Kit

Pandemic Survival Kit: Supplies You Need

Whether you have a pandemic survival kit prepared or not, there may be things that you have overlooked.

Let’s take a look at the things you need to give the most consideration to before there are major shortages.


Pandemic Survival Kit Supplies

Food & Water

Don’t take your easy access to backup food and water supplies for granted right now.

Dehydrated and freeze-dried foods are already selling out worldwide due to the current panic over the pandemic.

However there is still time to get a few weeks worth of shelf stable items like canned and packaged goods, and bottled water.

These items can help you get through periods of shortages on things you may normally buy.

First-Aid Supplies

You need to give some extra attention to your first-aid kits right now to make sure you have all your bases covered.

The last thing you need is to have a medical issue after the crowds of panic buyers have emptied the shelves, and not be able to buy what you need.

Minor medical issues can quickly become emergencies if you don’t have access to the proper first-aid supplies to treat them.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Supplies

In the right conditions, viruses can live on surfaces in your environment for days.

They can also become airborne, and travel much further than you might realize.

Unless you and your family are sheltering in place, and totally isolated with no outside visitors, then the virus can find it’s way into your home.

You will need to clean and disinfect compromised areas daily, if not several times a day.

You also need to be washing yourself, your pets, your clothes, etc. more frequently than normal.

This means you need to have plenty of cleaning and disinfecting supplies to last you through any shortages that are coming.

Hygiene Supplies

This is a big one, and is probably being overlooked by a lot of people.

When people are panic buying there is the potential for shortages on things that may have not even occurred to you.

Things like toothbrushes, tampons and deodorant that we all take for granted can suddenly become hard to get during a crisis.

The last thing you probably want during an already uncomfortable situation is to not be able to take care of your basic hygiene needs.

Protective Gear

Whether you are going to continue going out into the public, or you are going to isolate yourself at home, you need some protective gear.

For low risk environments this may include basic things like disposable masks and gloves.

For higher risk environments (like a home quarantine station) you will need to take much stricter precautions.

Things like an outdoor tent, bio-hazard suits, and full face respirator masks, etc. will be necessary in that case.


Let’s face it. At this rate we could find ourselves in a SHTF situation in the near future.

This means you need to take into consideration all the gear and supplies you will need to be self-sufficient for an extended period of time.

You need to have a plan for things like electricity, fuel, food, etc. in case of a long-term emergency situation.

You Need a Pandemic Survival Kit Checklist

The best way to make sure you have everything you need in your pandemic survival kit is a good checklist.

That way you can keep track of what you have, what you need, and keep it all organized.

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