Stay Cool in the Heat Without AC

How to Stay Cool in the Heat (Without AC)

When temperatures spike you need to do whatever you can to stay cool in the heat to prevent suffering from a heat stroke…or worse.

An extreme temperature spike can quickly become DEADLY if you don’t have a way to cool off.

The best way to do that in modern times is to staiy indoors with the AC on, but what if you don’t have that option for whatever reason?

Stay cool with no AC


The Best Way to Stay Cool in the Heat Without Air Conditioning

At the very least you need to have a good fan that can keep the air around you circulating.

The best fans for cooling you down most quickly are the fans that can move the most air.

Box Fans

You can use a box fan to help keep you cool by placing it next to your desk during the day, or by putting it at the foot of your bed at night.

Box fans can work pretty well because they can move large volumes of air in the direction they are pointed.

And if you get yourself a good one then it will have speed settings to circulate the air around faster or slower.

Standing Fans

However, if want to really increase your comfort then you should opt for a standing pedstal fan that oscillates.

They are more expensive than box fans, but they are definitely worth it.

The ability to oscillate is perfect for a larger room because it sweeps back and forth to move the air around even more.

You can also adjust the height which is a big advantage over a box fan.

With a box fan you need to stack it on top of something to get it up off the ground, but oscillating pedestal fans sit up high and work well in all directions by design.

However, one drawback of both of these types of fans is the noise.

Some people like the sound of a fan in the room as background noise, wile others find it annoying.

Tower Fans

If the sound of a loud fan running bothers you then you could consider opting for a tower fan instead.

These can do just as good of a job cooling you down, but are typically much quieter than box fans for large pedestal fans.

How to Stay Cool in the Heat During a Power Outage

Since the aforementioned fans run on grid power, you won’t be able to use them during a power outage unless you have a generator, an off grid solar power system, etc.

Rechargeable Fans

These days you can get rechargeable portable fans with long-life lithium batteries.

You can also get handheld fans that run off of disposable alkaline batteries, or their rechargeable counterparts.

These fans can truly be a lifesaver if your power cuts during a heatwave.

If all else fails then you can always use a traditional hand-fan, but this is truly a last resort for the unprepared.

Instead, make sure you’re prepared with some rechargeable or battery powered fans in case of emergency.

As always, make sure you have enough for each member of the family, and don’t forget your pets who may need extra help cooling off too.

Btw, it’s wildfire season! Be sure to check out our Wildfire Preparedness Checklist

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