Edible Wild Plants

9 Edible Wild Plants To Fight Cold & Flu Naturally

Did you know that there are many edible wild plants in North America that can naturally help boost your immunity against the common cold and the flu? By the time you finish reading this you will know exactly which ones to look for if you’re out in the woods and you feel a cold coming […]

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Survival Tips

Survival Tips for Emergency & Disaster Situations

Using common sense is highly underrated these days. Probably because we live in an age of unprecedented convenience and automation that allows people to leave their common sense at the door, and somehow still make it through the day unscathed. This might work out okay during good times, but it’s absolutely critical that you are […]

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Emergency kit checklist

Emergency Kit Checklist for Disaster Preparedness

There aren’t any guarantees in life. That’s why you need to take emergency preparedness seriously. In a disaster situation you could suddenly lose access to the electric grid for a prolonged period of time. You could also quickly find yourself without access to food or clean water. That’s why having at least a 72-hour emergency […]

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Prepping on a Budget

3 Tips for Prepping On A Budget

If you don’t want to go broke preparing for an unexpected emergency or disaster, then you definitely want to establish a prepping budget. The last thing you want to do is be irresponsible with your resources, so developing a budget in the first place will help prevent you from either paying too much for survival […]

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